Two years after the unfinished conclusion of Shaman King in Weekly Shonen Jump, Hiroyuki Takei returned to the magazine with a new story. However, like many new series in the magazine around this time, it failed to connect with fans and the series had an extremely short run of only 10 chapters published in 2007. He would later add 2 additional oneshot stories to this series in Ultra Jump magazine in 2009 and 2010, before rebooting the series in it’s entirety under the new title of Jumbor in 2010.
Within Weekly Shonen Jump, on the “Table of Contents” page located at the back of the magazine, each author can leave a short comment to their fans. Below is a transcription of the original Japanese text along with a rough English translation. For some of these comments, we are also providing some additional information/context. There may be some minor errors. The comments listed here are for the ones where the issue # for Weekly Shonen Jump was for 2007.
Issue # | Release Date (MM/DD/YY) | Chapter # | Author Comment (Japanese) | Author Comment (English) | Additional Information |
3 | 12/18/06 | 1 | みかんのおいしい季節になりました!モリモリ食べて、バリバリがんばります!応援よろしく! | The season of delicious mandarin has come! Let’s eat it with vigor, and work with vigor! Support is welcomed! | At the end of the Shaman King manga there was a mandarin orange shown on the final page in Weekly Shonen Jump. This represents an unfinished or incomplete work. |
4-5 | 12/25/06 | 2 | テーマソングはブロンソンズ「マンダム~男の世界」です。う~んユンボル | Theme song is Bronson’s “Mandom – the world of Men”. Hmm Jumbor | |
6-7 | 1/6/07 | 3 | あけましておめでとうございます。今年の抱負はキッバリ人大になることです。 | Happy New Year! This year’s ambition is to clearly be an adult. | |
8 | 1/22/07 | 4 | 神・荒木飛呂彦先生が年末我が家に降臨された。少年の頃の自分にめちゃめちゃ自慢しに行きたい。 | The god Hirohiko Araki visited my house at the end of last year. I want to go back and brag about it to myself when I was a boy. | Hirohiko Araki was the creator of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, which Takei had previously visited his house during the end of the Shaman King serialization. |
9 | 1/29/07 | 5 | 今回の背景はフランスのアングレーム市が元になっています。実は名誉市民です | The background setting for this series is based on the city of Angoulême, France. I’m actually and honorary citizen there. | After the Shaman King series finished in Weekly Shonen Jump, in January 2005, Hiroyuki Takei met with the mayor of Angoulême, Philippe Mottet, and was awarded an honorary citizen. |
10 | 2/5/07 | 6 | ナイトライダー仕様のカーナビが欲しい。カールにも諭されたいな。30代男性。 | I want a car navigation system setup just like in Knight Rider. I want to be lectured by KARR, even as a man in his 30s. | |
11 | 2/10/07 | 7 | 先週の目次コメントは誤植。×諭す→○唆すです。カールに諭される私って何。 | Last week’s Table of Contents Comment had a typographical error. “Lectured” is wrong, should be “inspired.” How could KARR even lecture me? | |
12 | 2/19/07 | 8 | 「ニヤリィ」はreally?の発音で。言えは少し愉快な気持ちに。ならない。 | The word “grinning” sounds like the English word “really?” That can be a little amusing to say. No, for real. | “Grinning” is pronounced like “niyaryi” |
13 | 2/26/07 | 9 | 再来週十二傑新人漫画賞発表の為、これから審査させて頂くとこです。読みます | I will be a judge for the winners of the Twelve Outstanding Newcomer Manga Awards the week after next. Please read it. | |
14 | 3/5/07 | 10 | めっちゃ濃い10週間でした。ご愛読感謝です。足りない分はコミックスで何とか!! | It was 10 very dense weeks. I’ve read with pleasure your gratitude. Somehow, this is not enough for comics!! |
- The Grand Line for actual Weekly Shonen Jump release dates.