With the new anime getting ready for it’s second “season”, Hao and his team are finally revealed with their character designs, voice actors, and some comments from the voice actors too. These were announced on Thursday via Twitter and on the website, which contains additional images of the characters.

Voice Cast Announcement:

Peyote Diaz

Luchist will be voiced by Kenichirō Matsuda (松田 健一郎). The role was previously played by Katsuyuki Konishi in the 2001 anime, who also voices Amidamaru in both versions.

Opacho will be voiced by Megumi Hayashibara (林原 めぐみ) who previously voiced the character in the 2001 Shaman King anime.

Peyote Diaz will be voiced by Mitsuaki Madono (真殿 光昭) who previously voiced the character in the 2001 Shaman King anime.

Hang Zang-Ching will be voiced by Tsuguo Mogami (最上 嗣生). The role was previously played by Yūji Ueda in the 2001 anime, who also voices Horohoro in both versions.

Hang Zang-Ching

Turbine will be voiced by Anri Katsu (勝 杏里). The role was previously played by Masahiko Tanaka in the 2001 anime, who also voices Ryu in both versions.

Kanna Bismarch will be voiced by Saki Endō (遠藤 沙季). The role was previously played by Yoko Soumi in the 2001 anime, who also voices Lyserg in both versions.

Matilda Matisse will be voiced by Wakana Minami (金魚 わかな). The role was previously played by Tomoe Hanba in the 2001 Shaman King anime.

Marion Phauna will be voiced by Kei Shindou (真堂 圭). The role was previously played by Michiko Neya in the 2001 anime, who also voices Tao Jun in both versions.


Big Guy Bill will be voiced by Takahiro Fujiwara (真堂 圭). The role was previously played by Yoshinori Sonobe in the 2001 Shaman King anime.

Boris Tepes Dracula will be voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu (置鮎 龍太郎). The role was previously played by Kōji Ishi in the 2001 Shaman King anime.

Damayaji will be voiced by Kousuke Takaguchi (高口 公介), who also voices Bason in the 2021 anime. The role was previously played by Koichi Sakaguchi in the 2001 Shaman King anime.

The character design for Blocken Meyer has also been revealed, but the voice cast has not been announced. Additional character designs for Hao have also been updated on the website.

Voice Cast Comments

Similar to the previous voice cast announcements, they asked some of the voice cast members the same questions for their comments. We’ve included a rough English translation below.

Kenichirō Matsuda for the voice of Luchist

Can you tell us about the appeal of this series?
“Shaman King” has many different characters that appear within it, each of which is detailed with strong personalities and backstory that anyone can find a great appeal towards.

Can you tell us about how you feel to play Luchist?
I am very grateful and nervous for the opportunity to play the role of Luchist. As one of Hao’s followers and his confidant, I will do my best to bring out the charm of his character.

Megumi Hayashibara for the voice of Opacho

Can you tell us about how you feel to play Opacho again?
I haven’t seen all of you in a really long time, but it really hasn’t been that long at all, since you’ve been in my heart this whole time, and just knowing that, I’m just so glad to see you again as just like I love Hao-sama, and I like Yoh-sama because he is important to him, but I’m scared of that girl that’s near him.

Translation Note: Megumi Hayashibara, in addition to doing the first opening and ending theme songs for the 2021 anime, she also voices Anna in the series. Since she previously gave a comment from Anna’s point of view, she speaks as if this hasn’t been too long since she’s spoken about a character. She speaks with very basic words in a run-on sentence as she acts as Opacho in this answer (with hinting at Anna at the end).

Wakana Minami for the voice of Matilda Matisse

Can you tell us about the appeal of this series?
“Shaman King” have been a series I’ve known about since I was a little girl and thought “Hey, this is cool!” When I watched it again as an adult I could feel the connections, not just in the battle scenes, but the personal connections of courage and love that hold a deeper meaning.

Can you tell us about how you feel to play Matilda?
I never thought I’d get a role in the world of “Shaman King”, the series I’ve followed since I was a little girl! It is surprising and I’m very happy!! I’ll live and fight in this world with Mati to the best of my ability!

Saki Endō for the voice of Kanna Bismarch

Can you tell us about the appeal of this series?
There are many different types of bonds that can form, all which are genuine. From this justice and righteousness will collide. My mind churns and my heart aches at this conflict.

Can you tell us about how you feel to play Kanna?
Dear Kanna,
Thank you for coming back to life.
I’ve only known you for a short time.
I still can’t believe this day has come where we can tie our souls as one.
I’m sure the bonds with Mari and Mati are the same.
I will do justice to the Hanagumi!

Kei Shindou for the voice of Marion Phauna

Can you tell us about the appeal of this series?
It’s the mystical world of shamans and spirits, the contrast between Yoh-kun’s care-free style and then coolness in battle, and the story for each characters that I want to know more about.
Each single character has a single story that you want to know more about them… I think it is a series that holds a lot of appeal.

Can you tell us about how you feel to play Marion?
When the series was first being published, I looked forward to reading it multiple times every week. I’m honored to be able to appear in a work such as this.
I’m both nervous and excited, and I want to face Mari even with trembling legs. I would appreciate it if you could support me with your warm eyes.