The biggest week in terms of Shaman King products and events is finally here! There has never been a week with this number of Shaman King-related products coming out in Japan all at the same time. And it probably won’t ever happen again!

The week starts off on the 14th with the Soul Salvation CD single being released. This CD will contain both the opening and ending themes for the Shaman King (2021) anime along with a an instrumental (vocal-off/karaoke) version for both songs. Currently the title song, Soul Salvation is streaming on services such as Spotify. No word on if the other songs will be added to the streaming services the same day or at a later date.

The mysterious Shaman King: A Special Combined Book to Commemorate the Anime Adaptation (SHAMAN KING アニメ化記念スペシャル超合本) book will also be coming out on Wednesday. Outside of it being 736 pages and costing 660 yen, we don’t know much about it. The book summary hints that it will contain at least the first chapter of the original Shaman King manga, but it is unclear what other chapters it will also contain. This is likely a single print-run volume, so once its sold out it will likely not come back into print again.

The one non-Japanese release this week is for Shaman King: Final Edition volume 2 that is releasing in Italy. The 14th is the official release date, but fans in Italy may already have the volume if they picked up the premier edition.

For Japanese manga volumes having print releases, the 15th will have 3 separate volumes lined up. The Shaman King: & a garden volume, which had an early digital release last week, will now have its print edition available. Shaman King volumes 33 & 34 will now also have a print edition in Japan too. The top/main cover image design matches the Japanese digital release (with a couple smaller changes), the real question becomes what the secondary cover looks like. Similar to volume 32 which had a new drawing, we don’t know what the design will be for these new volumes yet. We’ll have to wait until they are on store shelves to find out!

Ending the week, Saturday will be a big day! The new Shonen Magazine Edge issue will launch with a ton of Shaman King content. The cover of the issue will have the Shaman King series featured on it and there is an extra booklet/article that covers the story of the Shaman King series for the first 32 volumes. The issue will also have the return of Shaman King: The Super Star from its planned break/hiatus. Shaman King: Marcos is on a planned break this month.

Next the Shaman King Exhibition – Nagoya Venue will open on the 17th and continue until May 5th. With the return of the Exhibition comes along a huge amount of new products that will be for sale at the venue. 19 new items will be for sale and 111 other items from previous Exhibitions will also be for sale. Currently there have been no announced plans for “mail-order” (online pre-order) for the goods, and they can only be purchased in-store. You can check out our previous article covering what all of those items are.

Lastly, with too many items to list, there are a huge number of Shaman King goods that will be released in Japan. There are 21 different products coming out from various manufacturers. You can check out our Release Calendar page to see what all of those items are!