The official Shaman King 2021 anime Twitter and Website were updated at 10:00am local time in Japan to announce the character designs and voice cast for Horohoro and Kororo for the new Shaman King anime.

Horohoro will be voiced by Yūji Ueda who previously voiced the character in the original 2001 anime. Kororo, Horohoro’s spirit partner will be voiced by Megumi Nakajima. In the 2001 anime, Kororo was voiced by Nana Mizuki who was also the voice for Tamao. Tamao’s voice actress for the new 2021 anime has not been announced yet.

Megumi Nakajima did not previously voice any character in the Shaman King 2001 anime, however she was the voice of Ultimo in the “vomic” that was produced by Shuiesha for Hiroyuki Takei’s Karakuridōji Ultimo manga. A “vomic” was a motion animated manga chapter that also has music and voice acting. A portion of the beginning of the series was created and broadcast on the Sakiyomi Jum-Bang! TV show for the May 2011 episode. The “vomic” was also streamed online for a limited time.

The character designs can be found on the website and in the tweet for the announcement:

Similar to the previous voice cast announcements, they asked these 2 voice actors the same questions for their comments. We’ve included a rough English translation below.

Yūji Ueda for the voice of Horohoro

Can you tell us about the appeal of this series?
The connection is all around us.
Even after we leave this world, our journey never ends.
No matter who you hurt, it’s a story of love and affection that knows no bounds.
I wish I could live in such a big world with the side-stories, spin-offs, and sequels.
I have no choice to look directly into this abyss.

Can you tell us about how you feel to play Horohoro again?
Is this a reunion or a new experience?
I continue down the road of inexperience.
Eventually, I hope that the leaves of calamus will be filled with sunshine and the blooming flowers will smile back.

Megumi Nakajima for the voice of Kororo

Can you tell us about the appeal of this series?
What is “strength?” What does it mean to truly care for someone? I think this is a work that convey a timeless humor and a comfortable laidback feeling. I am always encouraged by Yoh’s words “it’ll work out somehow.”

Can you tell us about how you feel to play Kororo?
I still can’t believe I will be able to participate in this production. I’d like to dive into the world of “Shaman King” with all of my heart, with the deep history and emotion passed down to me from my senpais. I look forward to working with you!

The official Twitter account for Megumi Nakajima also tweeted the following after the announcement (with a rough English translation listed after):

My name is Megumi Nakajima and I will be playing the role of Kororo. I look forward to working with you all!!

Thanks to Nazoren on Twitter (@saskura_i) for catching the Ultimo connection!