Bellhouse, a company in Japan that specializes in small anime/manga merchandise with a chibi aesthetic is planning on releasing a wave of new Shaman King products in Japan. The exact release date is unknown, except for sometime in March 2019. The products each feature one of the following characters (with their spirit) and continue the trend on being based on their “classic” designs:

  • Yoh
  • Anna
  • Ren
  • Horohoro
  • Chocolove
  • Jeanne
  • Lyserg
  • Hao
  • Hana (From Shaman King Flowers)

There are 4 different products:

  • Keychain (680 yen)
  • Acrylic Stand (1200 yen)
  • Round Can Badge/Pin (500 yen each)
  • Rectangle Can Badge/Pin (600 yen)

Unlike some of the other character-specific products that have been released in the past and upcoming months, these are not random or blind boxes. Currently the items are up for pre-order on Neowing/CDJapan, but other retailers may open pre-orders soon. Below is a gallery of all 36 items that were added.