Hi guys, welcome to our blog!
This is Dit, translator of M-T and big fan of Takei.
Well, I think you already know me ^^
I’d like to use this post to start a little project of my own, if you can call it a project haha. As you now -if you follow Shaman King Nation- there’s a new official website covering the news on Shaman King 0. For more details, please check the cool news post Andy wrote 😀
The bad thing is, you need a Mixi account to access to the text and images they post… and since Mixi is like an exclusive Japanese Fcebook, you can’t join it if you’re not Japanese or live in Japan. The good thing is, I do have an account! So everytime they update it, I’ll post the whole translation here so you all can read it and share your thoughts. Like the idea? Well, here’s the first post. I’ll try to catch up soon, since the next update seems to be a pretty important one.
More soon!!
Source: Shaman King Mixi