The “Fast Faster Fastest” or “3F” Mini4WD Championship in Osaka, Japan has just announced that Hiroyuki Takei will be providing some of the prizes for the upcoming tournament. The tournament will be held on October 29th, 2017 and will be held at the following location:

オークタウン2F TOPGEAR

The Grand Prize will be volume 1 of the Hyper Dash! Yonkuro manga with a sketch of the lead character and Takei’s signature (shown left). In 2nd and 3rd place they will be given volume 1 of the Hyper Dash! Yonkuro manga with Takei’s signature (shown below).

Additionally, there will be a lottery held at the event for children in Junior High and younger for all participants with the prize being one of five autographed copies of the Hyper Dash! Yonkuro manga. Other Mini4WD stores participating in the 3F championship will also be receiving additional signed volumes to be distributed independently prior to October. Throughout the championship they will be also giving out event prizes of signed copies of the mini4WD kits and additional promotional materials (as shown below).


Source & Images: Mini4CS