Author Comments – Shaman King – 2004

After running in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine since 1998, the mutual agreement to end the Shaman King manga series was reached in 2004. Hiroyuki Takei’s health was continuing to worsen, and the weekly deadlines continued to take it’s toll. Hiroyuki Takei would later return back to the magazine with Jyuki Ningen Jumbor and later continue the Shaman King series with a “true ending.”

Within Weekly Shonen Jump, on the “Table of Contents” page located at the back of the magazine, each author can leave a short comment to their fans. Below is a transcription of the original Japanese text along with a rough English translation. For some of these comments, we are also providing some additional information/context. There may be some minor errors. The comments listed here are for the ones where the issue # for Weekly Shonen Jump was for 2004.

Issue #Release Date
Shaman King Chapter #Author Comment
Author Comment
Additional Information
112/1/03251突然ですが来週アメリカ行ってきま す。一応仕事ですがせっかくなので 遊びも。次週休載もします。It’s sudden, but I’ll be going to America next week. It will be for both work and for fun. I will also be on break next week.
312/15/03252様々な及で世界は狭くなったと言うけれど、まだまだ広いと思ったアメリカ旅行。文化の壁は厚い。Many people say that the world is getting smaller, but my trip to America made me realize that it’s still very large. Cultural barriers are big.
4-512/22/03253因みにアメリカへはSHONEN JUMP創刊一周年のお祝いに行きました。改めておめでとうございますIf you were wondering, I went to America to celebrate the first anniversary of Shonen Jump. Congratulations again!
6-71/5/04254あけましておめでとうございます。今年もいろんな企画が進勺中です。とりあえず本年もよろしく。Happy New Year. I have various projects in the works this year. Best of luck to you this year.
81/19/04255プレゼント用のお土産風フツノミタマのキーホルダーが良い出来です。当選された方、おめでとう。The contest prize Futunomitama keychain came out really well. Congratulations to all the winners.
91/26/04256「アウトラン2」の為に久々にゲーセンに通ってます。 何かと本格的な昨今ゲームとしたゲームが好きFor the first time in a while, I went to an arcade and played “Outrun 2.” I like these modern games with an authentic feel.
102/2/04257鉄道模型の工場キットで廃墟ジオラマ作る事を思い付いた。かっこ良さそう。サビ塗装しまくりたいI came up with the idea to make a diorama of abandoned buildings using a model train factory kit. Looks cool. I want to paint it to look rusty.
112/9/04258ひと定早くキャラCD聴きました。ん…ちょっといいかも、ボブラブも是非。I gave a quick listen to the Character CDs earlier. Hmm.. Maybe it’s too good, and needs some Bob Love too.This is in reference to the Shaman Fight of Vocal (SFOV) set of character CDs that were released on March 24, 2004.
122/16/04259十二傑漫画賞。僕の伝えたい學は伝えました。実際はともかく面白い作品を期待してます。頑強ってThe 12 Outstanding Manga Awards. I’ve said what I’m looking for. But actually, I’m just looking forward to seeing interesting works. Standout.
132/23/04260猿に噛まれた。 右手が腫れててちょっと痛い。 それにかゆい。 猿を甘く見ていた。I was bitten by a monkey. My right hand is swollen and still sore. And it itches. I’ve underestimated monkeys.
153/8/04261バレンタインチョコ手元に届きました。年賀状もファンレターもありがとうございます。働みです。I have received your Valentine’s Day chocolates. Thank you for all of the New Year cards and fan letters. Thank you very much.
163/15/04262今度の読切でまた鬼を描いたのでお祓い行ってきました。もちろんメインは打上げのきりたんぽ鍋ですI drew another oni for an upcoming manga, so I needed to purify afterwards. Of course I had a Kiritanpo hot pot for the main dish!This upcoming manga is the “Mappa Doji” oneshot story that was published in the 18th issue.
173/22/04263何故か久保君呼んでホームパーティーしました。次は奥多摩でピクニックとバーベキューの予定ですFor no particular reason, we invited Kubo-kun over and had a house party. Next we plan to have a picnic and barbecue in Okutama.
183/29/04264やっと最終章入りました。長かったお詫びにここから本気モード全開で 恩返しします。ごめんなぁ!We have reached the final arc. To make up for the long wait, I will be going full throttle from here on. Sorry!
183/29/04Mappa Dojiお敬いに行ったのに早速不辛が訪れました。ので一度と「麻葉童子」は描きません。シャレなりませんI wanted to go pay my respects, but I was hit with bad luck instead. So I’ll never draw “Mappa Doji” again. No way.
194/5/04265うまいギョーザは酢だけでいけると最近気付いた。甘みが最近から尚更いい。残りの人生はこれで。I recently realized that you can cook good dumplings with just vinegar. It gets even better because of the sweetness. I’ll cook it this way now on.
204/12/04266度のファンブックには「麻葉童子」のあとに11ページ漫画がつきます。 赤マル共々是非チェックしてThe next fanbook will also include a new 11 page manga after “Mappa Doji.” Be sure to check out Akamaru too.The results of the 3rd All-Character Popularity Poll were listed in this magazine issue.
The “Akamaru Jump” magazine contained the last “Funbari No Uta” chapter and the fanbook contained the short story called “relax.”
214/19/04267最近のベストプレイスは那須の北湯温泉。今月はニ度も行ってる。現実と幻想の同居。 とても貴 ちょう。The best place to go these days is the Kitayu Onsen in Nasu. I’ve been there twice this month. It’s the combination of reality and fantasy. Very precious.Kitayu Onsen‘s official webpage.
22-234/26/04268仏ゾーンのドラマCD第二だい、今度もジャケット描き下ろしでメインはアシュラ君です。気合入り。The Butsu Zone Drama CD volume 2 will have a newly drawn cover art featuring Ashura-kun. It’s great.
245/10/04269憧れの荒木先生宅に招かれました。 ありがたいお話とおいしい料理ご ちそう様です。夢のようです。I was invited to Araki-sensei home, whom I admire. Thank you for your kind words and delicious food. It was like a dream.Araki was the creator of the Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure manga, which Takei has previously listed as an inspiration.
255/17/04270ファンブック、沢山のおハガキありがとうございました。おかげでかなり濃い目の本になりました。Thank you for sending many postcards for the fanbook. Because of all of them, the book will be very dense.
265/24/04271GWはFL読みました。 中には少年が想像で描いたシャーマンの最終廻 とかあったりして感激しましたDuring Golden Week I read your fan letters. Some of them were very touching as we reach the last part of Shaman [King], which can reach a boy’s dreams.
275/31/04272家の庭に謎の獣が来る。猫の毛が逆立って窓を開けると暗闇からかなりの低音でゴフーゴフー聞こえるA mysterious beast came through the garden at my house. My cat’s hair stood on end when I opened the window, and I could hear a low rumbling noise from the darkness.
286/7/04273いつも連動の湯にインコをカゴから出してやるんですがビックリ。臭に捕まって食べかけられましたI’m always surprised when I take the parakeets out of their cage to clean it. The smell completely devours me.
296/14/04274今度の仏ゾーンのドラマCDには6ページおまけまんが描きました。懐かしいグルーヴ感じられます。I drew a 6-page bonus manga for the next Butsu Zone drama CD. You can feel the nostalgic groove.
306/21/04275高橋和希希先生の仕事場に遊びに行ったらすごいお宝貰っちゃいました。遊戯王のC原画です。凄い!I went to visit Kazuki Takahashi-sensei at his workplace and received an amazing treasure. It’s an original color drawing of Yu-Gi-Oh!. It’s amazing!
316/28/04276仏ゾーンドラマCD第二弾しっとりしててすごい良い感じです。 原作より断然おすすめ、良いです。The Butsu Zone Drama CD 2 is nice and is amazingly good. I definitely recommend it over the original [manga series], it’s better.
327/5/04277今年も亡友の故郷からおいしいさくらんぼが届きました。 気合いも新たに頑張る気持ちが湧きます。Some delicious cherries have arrived again this year from the hometown of my old friend. I feel rejuvenated to give it my all.
337/12/04278ドイツの海底油田のプラモが再版するそうでこれがすごいかっこいいので今から作るのが楽しみですIt seems a German-made offshore oil platform plastic model will be reprinted. It looks really cool, so I’m looking forward to building it.
347/17/04279VICE CITY サントラ欲しいと思ってたら予約特典で来るとは。 どう全枚集めるかが問題。I wanted the VICE CITY soundtrack, but it was only a pre-order bonus. Now to find a way to track that down.
357/26/04280白骨温泉の件は残念だけどあの露天臨呂、白くないと上の裾からチ☆コまる見えになる。いいけど。It’s a shame to hear about the Shirahone Onsen, but when in an open-air bath, if the water is clear, you’ll be able to see your privates. It’s how it goes.Based on initial reporting by Weekly Post magazine, a scandal was revealed in July 2004 about several popular onsens secretly adding bath salts to the water. This les to the Nagano Prefecture implement an onsen labeling certification process in November 2004.
368/2/04281キャッチフレーズグランプリ沢山の応募ありがとうございました。 がん ばって選ばさせて頂きます。Thank you for all the entries for the Catchphrase Grand Prix. We’ll do our best to select the best one.
37-388/9/04282今週は赤マルとカラー量なって限界超えちゃいました。 関係者各位ほんますんません。頑張ります。This week I exceeded the number of corrections needed. I’m sorry for everyone involved. Do your best.
398/23/04283ちょっと前、とある温泉地で映画のロケに出会した。 結構憧れの仕事だったり、観ます、「血と骨」。A while ago, I came across a movie location at a certain hot springs resort. It’s about a job I really admire, so watch “Blood and Bones.”Blood and Bones” was a Japanese film that would later released on November 6, 2004 in Japan.
408/30/04284天愛ながら楽しい6年でした。 この続きはまたいつか どこかで。 ご愛読ありがとうございました。It has been a sweet and fun 6 years. The continuation will be somewhere at another time. Thank you for reading.


  • The Grand Line for actual Weekly Shonen Jump release dates.
  • 咲良さくら, Dit, 晴, Clover, Stacey, Elliot Têtedoie for Japanese transcription assistance