From December 16th, 2023 through February 18th, 2024 the first stop on the international tour of the Shaman King Exhibition will take place in Taiwan. The local sponsors, Mighty Media, will be hosting the Shaman King Exhibition and Pop-up Shop at the Kaohsiung Dream Times Shopping Center on the 8th floor in Kaohsiung city. The Exhibition floor will be free of charge to enter, and is setup similarly to the Japanese locations. Various original drawings of the Shaman King manga will be on display. Signage is primarily in Chinese, but some signs are also displayed in Japanese.

To promote the event, Mighty Media have uploaded some photos of the event to their Facebook page:

At the entrance to the exhibition space, Hiroyuku Takei has provided some brand new information to his fans in Taiwan.

GNN’s reporter, 阿Lu, was at the event on opening day and has a great article (in Chinese) with lots of photos of the event.

The first message by Hiroyuki Takei was a new handwritten message to his fans in Taiwan. The message had some drawings of Amidamaru, Bason, and Anna. It was handwritten in Chinese by Takei, and a Japanese translation was then presented next to it. We’ve included a rough English translation below:

ChineseJapaneseRough English Translation

我已經開始期待下次的相見了. 在那之前就讓我持續創作吧.

台湾は僕が初めて行った海外にして一番良かったなと思う旅先です。懐かしさと温かさのある風景、素直で優しい人々、約25年前 (!)のサイン会のこと、今でもしっかり覚えてます。今日来てくれた人達の中にもあの時のメンバーはいるのでしょうか?もうすっかり大人になったでしょうね、僕も立派なおじさんになりました(笑)

Taiwan was the best destination for my first trip abroad. I still remember that nostalgic warm scenery, the honest and kind people, and the autograph session from about 25 years ago (!). That event is still deeply imprinted in my memories. Are there fans from that time who have come to visit today? I’m sure you’ve all grown up by now, and I’ve become a fine old man too (laughs).

I never thought that I would still be drawing this work, but I am truly grateful for all of you loving it for such a long time.

I look forward to the day where we can meet in person again, and I will continue to draw until then.
(Takei had a pun for the first word in his message. The Chinese word “大实好” is phonetically “Dà shí hǎo!” , which is a play on Hao’s name, and would translate to something like “Great/Awesome”.)

A second message was also displayed which Takei talks more about the Shaman King series as a whole. This was written in Japanese and then translated into Chinese. We’ve included a rough English translation below:

JapaneseRough English Translation

《SHAMAN KING》也有着不完美的地方,不可否認的,最終呈現出來的結果是各種命運造成的.
但就算是這樣的我,在設計,概念,劇情上也扎實地重新修潤過,將它提升為完整的娛樂作品. 我時常抱持著這樣的想法.
說到「現在好好地去做!」這樣的想法,不知為何在「不可思議的誕生的瞬間」總是沒辦法像原先想的那般順利進行。也因如此,不知為何在這個時間點展開的本企劃. 如果允許的話,我想為有天會到來的機會而持續努力,屆時希望能得到各位的參與及感想.
「輪迴轉生」,以另一種形式輸了一圈的25週年「SHAMAN KING廻」原創展,還希望大家有個美好的體驗.

もし、もう一度SHAMAN KINGが蘇るなら?
僕にとって毎週がアドリブな週刊連載はライブの面白さがある反面、力不足や行き当たりばったりで「モヤモヤ」が残る部分も多々あります。もちろんダメなところも含んでの「SHAMAN KING」ですし、いろいろあった運命の結果として今があるので、何も否定するワケではありません。が! こんな僕でもデザインやコンセプト、ストーリーをしっかり練り直し、ちゃんとしたエンターテインメントに昇華したい!
それでは輪廻転生、もう一つのカタチとして25年目に一廻りした「SHAMAN KING 廻」
Shaman King Kai

What would a revived Shaman King look like?
The theme this time is “go around”
For me, the weekly series had the fun improvisation of a live performance, but at the same time, there are aspects which I feel were inadequate or haphazard, which is left with a “blurry picture.” Of course “Shaman King” has it’s flaws that I can’t deny due to the result of various fateful events. However, I still want to continue to refine the design, the concept, and the story so that it can turn into some true entertainment! I’ve always had that passion.

I always say “Do it right now!”, but for some reason the moment I start it starts to go off course. So… I’m not sure if I will be able to get this project started. If I am allowed to do so, I would like to continue with this opportunity someday, and I would like to hear your thoughts and feedback.

In another way, for the 25th year, this is a look at the “Shaman King Kai”. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did for the original series.

The name “Shaman King Kai” appears to be more of working title which Takei provided a mock-up logo. The character “廻” (Mawari) can literally mean “round” or to “go around”, as in doing a second attempt. Takei also included the word “Kai” in English below it. “Kai” was also used in the Jump X (ジャンプ改) magazine which previously published the Shaman King: Flowers manga by Shueisha. “改” in also means “revised”.

Along with those two comments to fans, Hiroyuki Takei also included some comments about the new illustrations he created for this Exhibition. Alongside the new illustrations, Takei wrote some more thoughts about his reboot of the Shaman King series and how the characters would look. These again were written in Japanese and presented with a Chinese translation. We’ve included a rough English translation as well.

Oracle Bell

ChineseJapaneseRough English Translation
現実世界を舞台とする「SHAMAN KING」にとって、「マンガだから」で済ますのが実はけっこう苦痛でした。・・・と、そんなところにオラクルベルが!
To start the first and biggest “uncomfortable” aspect is the language barrier between characters.
As “Shaman King” is set in the real world, it’s actually quite painful to just declare “but it’s just a manga.”… And then Oracle Bell comes in!

With the Patch’s traditional space technology, this can be solved by including a translation function that allows you to communicate with the people around you by talking via your soul if you are wearing it. Thank you universe. It would require changing the story a bit, but you could be able to enter into that world with ease.

Additionally, I changed the shape to make it more thin and round so that it will fit the body more easily, along with officials allowing participates to place an order for the color of their choice.

The Five Warriors

ChineseJapaneseRough English Translation
第二的”混亂”,是作品中主要角色在「組合」上的能力呈現. 也就是OS(Oversoul,靈體)的外型與大小沒有統一感. 當然這並不是什麼糟糕的事, 但如果你想蒐集角色的公仔時,肯定會相當在乎超靈體的透明組件.
比如說距離運身體一段距離的長刀尖端有著如鐵球一般的塊狀物, 瑞瑟格的手腕處垂下的細線前端有著小小的什麼. 葉王的話,還會有架上放不下的巨大SOF(Spirit of Fire,火靈)
自此誕生的是後來「甲縛式」的概念,但其實這也沒有明確的劃分, 所以就將最初的主視覺調整這次版本!我是以這樣的想法而重新設計.
The next “uncomfortable” aspect. That is the lack of consistency in the look and size of the main character’s abilities; the OS (Oversoul) is a key element of the series.

Of course this may not be a bad thing, but if you wanted to collect “figures”, you may be concerned about the amount of the OS that would the translucent pieces.

For example with Ren, he has an iron ball-like lump at the tip of his weapon, located far away from his body. With Lyserg, there is a small object at the end of a thin wire hanging from his wrist.

For Hao, he has a huge S.O.F. (Spirit of Fire) that can’t fit on a shelf!

This issue was later corrected with the concept of the “armor type”. But there is no standard set with their either, so I want to correct that with this main visual right from the start!
These redesigns were with this all in mind.

Yoh – Amidamaru OS “Shodan”

ChineseJapaneseRough English Translation

「斷掉的春雨」還重要的要素也讓我有些苦惱. 日本有《槍刀法》這樣的法律,對於在現代日本社會帶著日本刀在街上走這點,讓我也有些抗拒. (姑且不說敵人)既然如此,不如就讓它帶有「雖然看不到,但就在那裡的力量」的意義. 這對《通靈王》而言是很重要的主題. 不如說這是應該好好呈現的點.
總是給人斷掉印象的「春雨」,在感受到我的心意後想必阿彌陀丸也會諒解吧. 繪製「牌位」是一件麻煩事,所以就把它收在葉的口袋裡啦.

これも「SHAMAN KING」にとって大切なテーマ。むしろこれを体現すべきだろうと。
Yoh – Amidamaru OS “Shodan”

This is the newly redesigned Oracle Bell and the official name of Yoh’s Armor OS.
“Shodan” comes from the dan-levels in Kendo, but of course there was no such thing as Kendo in Amidamaru’s time, and this is because Yoh attended Kendo practice as part of a new story in order work with Amidamaru.

One important element is the broken Harusame. This is a bit awkward since in Japan there is a law called the Firearms and Swords Act, and I was resistant for characters to be carrying around a Japanese sword amongst a modern society (aside from the enemies).
So I decided to give it a new purpose. “The power that you can’t see but is still there.” It’s an important theme for “Shaman King.” So we should all embody this theme.

Harusame gets damaged often, but I’m sure Amidamaru will understand. Constantly drawing his spirit tablet is troublesome, so I put it in Yoh’s pocket.

Ren – Bason OS “Bushin”

ChineseJapaneseRough English Translation

沒有「超級」,「魚翅」,初期階段只以「武神」作為正式名稱. 和才剛有初步設定的葉的「初段」相比,「THE蓮小隊」這邊有全員的形狀都已相當固定的印象。肩上有的”不需要東西”正是道家與蓮的風格的證明。服裝上作為馬孫的個人色彩而加上了紫色.

Ren – Bason OS “Bushin”

The official name of the first state is just “Bushin” without adding “Super” or “U2”. Compared to novice Yoh’s “Shodan”, everyone on “Team The Ren” has a refined shape. The style of “un-necessary things” is still continued with Ren and the Taoism. The color purple was added to match with his horse.

…By the way, what do you all think about the special attack name “Electric Bang”?

Horohoro – Kororo OS “Nipopo Tekunpe”

ChineseJapaneseRough English Translation
轟隆轟隆 可樂樂OS「尼波波手甲」

ホロホロ コロロOS 「ニポポテクンペ」

Horohoro – Kororo OS “Nipopo Tekunpe”

There is very little changes, with the exception of the arms not being as angled as before. The design now connects both sides with the “Ikupasui” intermediary that hangs from his neck.
To give the OS it’s own personality, it now has icy eyes.
All of the red accent colors have been moved to the center. Giving a visualization of Horohoro’s inner flame.

Chocolove – Mic OS “Jaguarman”

ChineseJapaneseRough English Translation

另一方面, 在舊作中國之爪並無特殊的根據,所以統一將美洲豹牙齒做成的首飾化「美洲印地安的驕傲」.
チョコラブ ミックOS 「ジャガーマン」

Chocolove – Mic OS “Jaguarman”

In order for a later more powerful stage to be named “Juggernaut” the early stage needs to be “Jaguarman”. The previous iron claws didn’t have any special meaning, so I decided to lean into the “Pride of the American Indians” and use the necklace of jaguar fangs as the medium.
As this will be the first time it’s proper name is being used, it should have it’s own introductory chapter.
During battle, he would take off his boots so that the OS can cover his entire body to use the full physical strength like a jaguar.

Lyserg – Morphin OS “Flying Poppy”

ChineseJapaneseRough English Translation
瑞瑟格莫芬OS 「Flying poppy」

以覆蓋擺哩的球體中有莫芬在操縱的姿勢來命名為「Flying poppy」.
リゼルグ モルフィン OS 「フライングボビィ」

リゼルグ自身の服装にはやや古風な英国味を追加。「ブラウン」のベルトはペンデュラムの「リール (巻き取り機)」にも採用され、こちらもスマートな形状に変更しました。
Lyserg – Morphin OS “Flying Poppy”

Morphin, is a “poppy fairy” that takes the shape of a plant and runs down the length of Lyserg’s arm for an OS.
The pendulum is named “Flying Poppy” since it is piloted by the small Morphin inside a sphere that covers it.
Lyserg’s clothing has a slightly old-fashioned British style. The brown belt is also used as a reel for the pendulum and is given a modern design.

Hao – Spirit of Fire OS “Fire Bird”

ChineseJapaneseRough English Translation

還有來自對美洲的皮套褲(約19世紀左右誕生,牛仔的腳套),並調整為接近左右獨立的原鋼造型,另外在「姐」中,葉王組全貝都配戴在身上的「HAO block」也改成方便移動的位置.
ハオ S・O・F OS 「火の鳥」
Hao – Spirit of Fire OS “Fire Bird”

To be later connected with Yoh’s “White Swan”, this is the predecessor of the “Raven.” The name originates from the dispute that Hao witnessed during the Heian period around the “Flame Island” and mixed with the image of the Native American land of the Patch from 500 years ago. Perhaps with his history of America, he loves chaps (cowboy leg coverings created around the 19th century), but he modified them so they can be moved independently on the left and right sides, and the shapes of the “Hao Blocks” on his shoes were changed to allow better movement.

Thanks to @metretsk for posting some of their pics from the exhibition to help share this new information. The Chinese and Japanese text were transcribed from those images and may have some small typographical errors.