The Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle game is holding a popularity vote for the most famous scene in the Shaman King anime series prior to it’s one-year anniversary. The winning scene from the series will then be created into a new ★4 Vision Card with an original artwork created by the game developers. This new vision card will be given to all players automatically in December 2022, regardless if you participated in the vote.

The first wave of the popularity poll allowed for fans to submit their favorite scenes via an open description. Those submissions have been collected and now the top 10 submission will now be voted on. Players can also submit their in-game User ID code to also receive 300 free tamas. If your User ID is incorrect, or used multiple times, those votes will be discarded.

You can enter the voting here. The form is completely in Japanese, but we have an English translation below along with additional information.

Question 1

As as thank you for your participation, we will send you 300 (free) Tamas. Please copy and paste your user ID from the game here.
*User ID can be copied from My Page > Menu > Profile > ID

Question 2

Note that the answers will be randomly placed when you vote. Please take caution when selecting as some of them are from the same episode. We have listed them in episode order below, and does contain spoilers to the story if you have not watched or read the entire series. Anime screenshots added for reference and may not represent the actual image being remade for the Vision Card.

Q: Please select your favorite scene from the Shaman King anime within the list below.

Japanese AnswerEnglish TranslationAnime Scene Reference
【第13廻】シャーマンファイト本戦前夜、アンナが葉に対して「今日だけは一緒に寝てもいいよね」と聞くシーン[Episode 13] On the eve of the main battle of Shaman Fight, the scene where Anna asks Yoh, “So just this once, we can spend the night tonight, right?”This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Scene-Popularity-Poll-Episode-13-1024x576.png
【第18廻】アンナがハオに右手のビンタを止められて岩ドンされた際、「甘いわね あたしにはまだ左があるのよ!!!」と幻の左を叩き込むシーン[Episode 18] After Hao stops the slap from Anna’s right hand and is ‘Rock-donned,’ Anna uses her phantom left and says “You’re forgetting about… my left hand!”This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Scene-Popularity-Poll-Episode-18-1024x576.png
【第32廻】恐山ル・ヴォワール編より、葉がアンナにふすま越しで「そん時はオイラがシャーマンキングになってなんとかしてやる」と約束するシーン[Episode 32] From Osorezen Revoir, the scene where Yoh promises to Anna from the other side of the door, “…Because then, I’ll just become the Shaman King and fix it that way!”This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Scene-Popularity-Poll-Episode-32-1024x576.png
【第33廻】恐山ル・ヴォワール編より、大鬼との最後の戦いで葉がマタムネと最初で最後の憑依合体をするシーン「憑依合体!!! さらばマタムネ!!!」[Episode 33] From Osorezen Revoir, the scene where Yoh and Matamune combine for the first and last time with the final battle with the Oni with the line “Spirit Integrate! Farewell, Matamune!”This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Scene-Popularity-Poll-Episode-33-1-1024x576.png
【第33廻】恐山ル・ヴォワール編より、アンナが大鬼に対して「でもあたしはそれ以上に…この男(麻倉葉)を愛してしまった」と言い放つシーン[Episode 33] From Osorezen Revoir, the scene where Anna declares to Oni about Yoh, “But… I’ve fallen in love with this boy.”This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Scene-Popularity-Poll-Episode-33-2-1024x576.png
【第49廻】シャーマンキングとなったハオとの戦いを控えたまん太がプリンセスハオの夢を見るシーン[Episode 49] The scene where Manta has a dream of Princess Hao, who has just become the Shaman King.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Scene-Popularity-Poll-Episode-49-1024x576.png
【第50廻】ホロホロ VS カリム戦にて、ホロホロの持霊コロロが実は初恋相手のダム子(黒部民子)であったと明かされるシーン[Episode 50] In the battle between Horohoro and Kalim, the scene where it is revealed that Horohoro’s spirit Kororo was actually his first love, Damuko (Tamiko Kurobe).This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Scene-Popularity-Poll-Episode-50-1024x576.png
【第52廻】シャーマンキングとなったハオの攻撃を五大精霊を受け取った5人の戦士が「なんとかなる!」と力を合わせて受け止めるシーン[Episode 52] The scene where the Five Warriors with the elemental spirits join forces to counter-attack against the new Shaman King, Hao.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Scene-Popularity-Poll-Episode-52-1-1024x576.png
【第52廻】グレートスピリッツ内にてシャーマンキングとなったハオが母・麻ノ葉と再会し、抱きしめられるシーン[Episode 52] The scene where Hao, who became the Shaman King in the Great Spirit, reunites and his hugged by his mother, Asanoha.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Scene-Popularity-Poll-Episode-52-2-1024x576.png
【第52廻】グレートスピリッツ内にて母と再会することができたハオに対して葉が「良かったなぁ にいちゃん」と発言するシーン[Episode 52] A scene in which Yoh remarks after seeing Hao reunited with his mother in the Great Spirit “Isn’t this great, my big brother?”This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Scene-Popularity-Poll-Episode-52-3-1024x576.png