As part of the recent update to add Hao to the Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle game, a formal survey has been posted to help guide future development of the game. Players who submit answers to the survey will get 300 (free) tamas added to their account at a later date. Over 20,000 players have already submitted their responses and the developers are looking for more feedback.

To submit the survey you will need to provide your unique User ID for question 27. No other identifying information is needed.

The survey is in Japanese and all answers should be responded in Japanese. Included below is a rough English translation of the questions which you can use to aid in answering the survey. You can submit your feedback without typing in Japanese. The developers are NOT looking for feedback about an English/Global version of the game with this survey as it’s target audience is Japanese-language players.

The survey closes on February 28th at 14:59pm and the form can be submitted here.

Page 1

Question 1: What is your gender?

  • Male
  • Female
  • Decline to answer
  • Other

Question 2: How old are you?

  • 10 or younger
  • 11 to 20
  • 21 to 30
  • 31 to 40
  • 41 to 50
  • 51 to 60
  • 61 or older

Question 3: Why did you start playing Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle? (Multiple answers allowed)

  • Because I like Shaman King
  • I liked Shaman King in the past
  • Because my friends/family/relatives were playing it
  • I liked the character visuals
  • I like RPG games
  • I was watching the anime
  • I saw it on the App Store or Google Play Store
  • I saw Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle on a video website
  • I saw an advertisement
  • Other

Question 4: Where do you get information about the events and campaigns in Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle? (Multiple answers allowed)

  • In-game announcements
  • Official website
  • Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle official twitter
  • Shaman King Project (anime) official twitter
  • Personal blogs, etc.
  • Other

Question 5: When you want to know more about the new characters and strategies for Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle, where do you go? (Multiple answers allowed)

  • In-app notifications
  • External websites
  • Videos, such as YouTube
  • Information on Social Media, such as Twitter
  • Information from friends/family, etc.
  • Other

Question 6: Have you ever purchased the Shaman King manga or other goods?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Other

Page 2

Question 7: Who is your favorite Shaman King character? (Multiple answers allowed)

  • Yoh
  • Amidamaru
  • Ryu
  • Tokageroh
  • Faust
  • Eliza
  • Anna
  • Zenki and Goki
  • Tamao
  • Ponchi and Conchi
  • Manta
  • Ren
  • Bason
  • Jun
  • Lee Pailong
  • Horohoro
  • Kororo
  • Chocolove
  • Mic
  • Pascal Avaf
  • Redseb
  • Seyram
  • Golem
  • Mikihisa
  • Imari and Shigaraki
  • Lyserg
  • Morphine
  • Zeruel
  • Jeanne
  • Shamash
  • Marco
  • Michael
  • Chris Venstar
  • Metatron
  • Cebin Mendel
  • Remiel
  • Meene Montgomery
  • Gabriel
  • John Denbat
  • Raphael
  • Porf Griffith
  • Sariel
  • Larch Dirac
  • Uriel
  • Hans Reiheit
  • Azazel
  • Anatel Pokki
  • 10,000 slaves (one of them)
  • Anahol Pokki
  • Amneris
  • Khafre Puljiz
  • Kitoka
  • Nakht Pitrah
  • Scarab
  • Hao
  • Spirit of Fire
  • Goroushin
  • Asaha Doji
  • Ohachiyo
  • Luchist
  • Lucifer
  • Ryo (BoZ)
  • Zen (BoZ)
  • Chimimōryō
  • Damayaji
  • King Crab Spirit
  • Boris Tepes Dracula
  • Blaumro
  • Big Guy Bill
  • Teammates
  • Mohamed Tabarsi
  • Gin
  • Hang Zang-Ching
  • Shion-Shion
  • Peyote Diaz
  • Calavera Dolls
  • Opacho
  • MAMA
  • Brocken
  • Blocks
  • Kanna
  • Ashcroft
  • Matilda
  • Jack
  • Marion
  • Chuck
  • Pino Graham
  • Badbh
  • Zria Gagrik
  • Vodyanoy
  • Tona Papik Cadimahide
  • Deht
  • Merlin
  • Merlin (Young)
  • Samantha
  • Samantha (Young)
  • Lil Red
  • Lil Red (Young)
  • Beelzebub
  • Asmodeus
  • Tara-chan
  • Datura
  • Minder
  • Chicory
  • Zombie Soldier
  • Sati
  • Dainichi
  • Daiei
  • Jizoh
  • Komeri
  • Batoh
  • Mamy
  • Samy
  • Ashura
  • Aeon Lee
  • Shatora
  • Sei-Kyow
  • Marishi-ten
  • Ozam
  • Niou
  • Yainage
  • Gundali
  • Jackson
  • Fudo
  • Kado
  • Aizen
  • Silva
  • Silver Arms
  • Lilirarara
  • Seminoa Warriors
  • Goldva
  • Big Chief
  • Lip & rap
  • Namari
  • Blon
  • Magna
  • Radim
  • Kalim
  • Renim
  • Chrom
  • Nichrom
  • Thallim
  • Rutherfor
  • Spirit of Earth
  • Spirit of Rain
  • Spirit of Thunder
  • Spirit of Wind
  • Tao En
  • Dà Dào Wáng
  • Tao Chin
  • Michichin
  • Tao Ran
  • Shu and Kyo
  • Gohukuseitai
  • Torture Bros.
  • Pirika
  • Damuko
  • Orona
  • Bob
  • Awaya Ringo
  • Gumakura Isao
  • Tamao-chan
  • Ponty and Conty
  • Anna-san
  • Mae and Ushiro
  • Jeanne-sama
  • Coshamash
  • Masked Megan-sama
  • Lolita Majin
  • Yohken Asakura
  • Yohmei Asakura
  • Kino Asakura
  • Keiko Asakura
  • Mansumi Oyamada
  • Mannoko Oyamada
  • Midori Tamurazaki
  • Princess Hao
  • Other

Page 3

Question 8: Would you recommend Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle to others (friends, colleagues, etc.)? (Scale from 0 being not recommend to 10 being recommend)

[Scale 0 – 10]

Question 9: What level of satisfaction do you have with Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

Question 10: How long do you play Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle a day?

  • Less than 10 minutes
  • 10 to 30 minutes
  • 31 minutes to 1 hour
  • 1 to 2 hours
  • 2 to 3 hours
  • 3 or more hours

Question 11: What do you like about Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle? (Multiple answers allowed)

  • 3D Character models
  • 2D Character illustrations
  • Story scenarios
  • Character voices
  • Battle mechanics
  • Character Vision Card leveling
  • Events
  • Distribution rewards
  • Gacha
  • Minyuku En (Flame Inn)
  • Shaman Fight
  • Ordeal
  • EX Battle
  • Daily Quest
  • Achievements
  • Other

Question 12: What do you not like about Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle? (Multiple answers allowed)

  • 3D Character models
  • 2D Character illustrations
  • Story scenarios
  • Character voices
  • Battle mechanics
  • Character Vision Card leveling
  • Events
  • Distribution rewards
  • Gacha
  • Minyuku En (Flame Inn)
  • Shaman Fight
  • Ordeal
  • EX Battle
  • Daily Quest
  • Achievements
  • Other

Question 13: Are you satisfied with the number of times you can play the Daily Quest?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

Question 14: Are you satisfied with the number of times you can play the Shaman Fight in a day?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

Page 4

Question 15: Are you satisfied with the story in the Story Quest?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

Question 16: Are you satisfied with each character’s friendship episodes?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

Question 17: Do you read the stories and episodes without skipping?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip, but read later
  • Other

Question 18: Would you like a feature to allow you to read past stories and character scenarios in the same location?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Other

Question 19: Are you satisfied with the character development?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

Question 20: Are you satisfied with the progress of the Vision Card leveling?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

Question 21: Are there any leveling materials you are lacking? (Multiple answers allowed)

  • Shaman Points (SP)
  • Shrine Beads (Orange)
  • Awakening Beads (Purple)
  • Skill Beads (Blue)
  • Special Beads (Yellow)
  • Various Films (Vision Card leveling material)
  • I am not lacking any leveling materials

Question 22: How is the rate of new gachas being introduced?

  • Just right
  • Too slow
  • Too fast

Question 23: What content do you feel is too difficult? (Multiple answers allowed)

  • Story Quest (Normal)
  • Story Quest (Hard)
  • Daily Quest
  • EX Battle
  • Ordeal
  • Event
  • Other

Question 24: What are you currently working towards in the game?

  • Clearing the Story Quest
  • Collecting lots of characters
  • Improving my score in the Shaman Fight
  • I want to level up a specific character
  • I want to collect all the achievements
  • Other

Question 25: Is there any other content you would like added to the game in the future? (Multiple answers allowed)

  • Battle with other players against strong enemies
  • Battle against other players’ teams
  • Endless wave battles
  • Battle with friends to defeat powerful enemies
  • None of the content above I would like added

Question 26: What is the number of game apps, besides Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle, you are current playing?

[List from 0 to 10 or more]

Page 5

Question 27: To receive your 300 free Tamas at a later date, please enter your user ID.

To get your user ID follow these steps:

  1. Click on the 9-square menu in the upper right of the screen
  2. Click on the User Profile button, the 2nd one on the left in the top row (looks like an Orange push-pin)
  3. Enter the value listed in your ID field (the 6-digit code)

This User ID can also be found on the start-up screen below the Version number in the upper-left of the screen before entering into the game.

Question 28: Please tell us what you’d like to see in the future from Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle.

Free text field. Answers should be in Japanese, and is optional.

Question 29: Please tell us if you have any other thoughts or requests about Shaman King: Funbari Chronicle.

Free text field. Answers should be in Japanese, and is optional.

After this you can click the submit button. The free tamas will be added to your account at a later date (not specified when).