A new month, a new Jump Kai, a new Shaman King Flowers chapter, and a new poster! Wow!

2/10: Short summary
2/09: Images of the poster!



Check out this AWESOME poster! Seriously, check out how great this looks!


htop_14mar_02 mappa


[wpspoiler name=”Flowers 21 spoilers” ]
– Sakurai asks Hana to please take his dear airplane back to Japan.

– Hana says that he can’t use his shamanic powers to do something like that, and that he doesn’t have the money to pay for it.

– Thalim pops up randomly and invites them over to his coffeehouse (so you can have hand-made coffee in hell, nice)

– Thalim explains who he is and says that Hao sent him there to help Hana get out of hell.

~Back in Funbari~

– Alumi tells the others about Hana and his quest in Asura. She explains that the legendary warriors had to go though the same experience many years ago.

– Ryu and Yohane hide Hana’s body in the fridge while Alumi explains a little bit about her Patchphone.

– Yohane asks whether she can use it to talk with the Patches in the other world. She changes the topic and leaves for school.

– When she’s gone, Yohane points out that she never wants to talk about her tribe.

– Men asks Ryu to show them his mother’s iron maiden thingy, since for some weird reason it is hidden inside the inn’s storehouse instead of in the huge-ass Tao palace.

– Ryu unlocks the door and Men says it’s just a forgery (this one has all of the spikes, when it should be missing one) so someone must have replaced it without Ryu noticing.

– He says few people have access to that place, like for example a certain couple of siblings and their golem.

– Ryu, looking pretty upset, asks Redseb and Seyrarm why they’ve done it.

– Redseb apologizes and says that they need this little girl called “black maiden” for their team.



Coming soon… but sooner if there is something about Men.