As part of our ongoing efforts to catalog and document on the Shaman King manga series, we have created a new section on Patch Café for the Author Comments.

Hidden within the backs of magazines, placed within the margins, and found on the inner flaps of manga volumes are short comments directly from the authors of the manga series. While most manga artists live private lives, these short comments can help show a little bit of light on their personal feelings and events in their life.

As part of an on-going project we will attempt to collect as many of their comments as possible along with the context on when they were said. For comments mentioned in magazines, these are never reprinted so they may be difficult to find and keep track of. While we will attempt to be as accurate as possible, centralizing this information will be time-consuming process and pages will be updated once the comments have been gathered.

Documented in this feature are a rough English translation. The comments are often very short and can be translated differently. We hope that these will provide you with a general sense of the comments being made and should not be taken as “direct quotes” from any of the manga artists. If any errors are made, we will make our best efforts to correct those.

Every Wednesday in October we will be opening up a new page with these author comments. This will be an on-going project to continue to translate and add the comments for the on-going series as well as the completed ones. Some portions may be incomplete as there are many comments spread out across the all of the series. We hope you find this little bit of sometimes overlooked history interesting and provides some additional insight into the creators of the manga series.

The page for the newly printed Japanese Kodansha 35 volume edition of the Shaman King manga launched on October 6th. On October 13th, a new page for the ongoing series Shaman King: & a Garden with comments by Kyo Nuesawa will launch and more in the following weeks.