Oops! Looks like it’s an April Fool’s Joke! I guess if you translate the Japanese it doesn’t make alot of sense…! Now is that rumor about a Vomic also an April Fool’s joke…. hmmmm…


For the full details about this joke story… read the news post here.


So remember how Shaman King Flowers took a break last month? Well, hot off the presses from what looks to be next issue of Jump Kai… is the announcement of a new Shaman King videogame for the Vita! AWESOME!!! So here’s the pics:


So here’s what I can gather…. I’m sure Dit will chime in with a better/more accurate translation soon!

– Called “Shaman King of Fighters” (I’m guessing Takei made a pun with the title there!?)

– It looks to be using the “King of Fighters” game engine…. or is a cross-over?

– Coming to Playstation Vita in 2013!

– 36 playable characters?

– It looks like you can fight with the characters at multiple ages? Kid, teenager, and adult!?

– More information next month (May 10th)


I’m so excited for this!!! The last Japanese Shaman King videogame was so good. I’m sure if this sells well, then we will get a new Shaman King anime. I bet this is just testing the waters to see how it goes. Shaman King is back in full force now!


Sources: http://m2.upup.be/CzrPP7cpnJ ,  http://n2.upup.be/5gpsXdrPoM