Starting on August 19th a new Shaman King collaboration with the Animate Café has begun at various locations in Japan. Specifically this is with “Gratte” locations of the Animate Café. The word “Gratte” is a combination of “graphic” and “latte” which is for their featured items of printed designs on the top cream above the latte drink. The café locations do not require a reservation to eat-in, but may have various COVID-19 precautions in place and other limiting factors. The typical business hours are from 11:00am until 19:00pm and can feature take-out options. Additional information and changes to the collaboration can be found on their official website.

The following locations will be part of the collaboration from August 19th through September 12th, 2021:

  • Animate Shibuya
  • Animate Kichijoji Parco
  • Animate Yokohama
  • Animate Sendai
  • Animate Osaka Nipponbashi
  • Animate Okayama

Previously Animate Café held a limited collaboration with the Shaman King Exhibition in the Summer of 2020.

Cafe Goods


The latte with the graphic cream top comes in two separate prices. It is either 605 yen for eating in, or 594 yen for take-out. The latte drink can be selected from one of the following flavors:

  • Iced Coffee
  • Iced Tea
  • Orange
  • Apple

There are 23 different designs that can be selected for the printed cream top. The characters and designs include the following:

  1. Yoh
  2. Amidamaru
  3. Anna
  4. Manta
  5. Ren
  6. Ryu
  7. Horohoro
  8. Faust & Eliza
  9. Lyserg & Morphin
  10. Chocolove
  11. Jeanne
  12. Marco
  13. Hao
  14. Yoh & Amidamaru (Chibi waiter design)
  15. Anna (Chibi waiter design)
  16. Manta (Chibi waiter design)
  17. Ren (Chibi waiter design)
  18. Ryu & Tokageroh (Chibi waiter design)
  19. Horohoro (Chibi waiter design)
  20. Faust & Eliza (Chibi waiter design)
  21. Lyserg (Chibi waiter design)
  22. Chocolove (Chibi waiter design)
  23. Hao (Chibi waiter design)

Cookie with Icing

The same 23 designs as above for the latte can also be purchased on a cookie with icing as well. The eat-in cost per cookie is 550 yen and the take-out cost is 540 yen. These are only available as a plain sugar cookie flavor and come pre-packaged.

Bonus Bromides

If you purchase Shaman King collaboration lattes or cookies totaling a cost of 1000 yen or more, you will be also given a random bromide (card) featuring one of 10 chibi designs. You will also get a bromide for each 1000 yen thereafter within that single transaction as well. Supplies may be limited on the cards available.

Designs on the cards:

  • Yoh
  • Anna
  • Manta
  • Ren
  • Horohoro
  • Ryu
  • Faust
  • Lyserg
  • Chocolove
  • Hao