Updated on 7/28

Updated on 7/29

Original Post by Dit:

Well, Summer Wonder Festival’s around the corner! Tomorrow, to be exact! Last time we could see the final version of Yoh’s figure (that was modified some months after that, but whatever) and also Hao’s first prototype. Remember it? He looked like this!

Buuuuuut… Though WonFes is held tomorrow there’s already a HQ photo out there!! Look how great Hao (and Jumbor’s EM) look!! It kinda reminds me of the art in KZB volume 27. Really nice 🙂

Sadly it’s a bit dark, but I’m sure a lot of people will be uploading photos with proper ilumination tomorrow morning, so fear not lol

I really liked Yoh’s design, but I must admit that this one looks soooo much cooler! 100% gonna buy this when it comes out next year and really looking forward to the painted version.

PS: Also don’t forget that there’s a third SK character getting a figure… but we’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out who it is! What do you think? I’m gonna say either Ren or Anna :33

Updates by Andrew (7/28):

And here’s the 3rd Shaman King model…. It’s Michael! You know… Marco’s O.S. spirit! Here’s the photos from fg-site. (Click each to enlarge)














I’m not sure this one will have as much market appeal as both Yoh and Hao… but we shall see! Maybe trying to tap into the “car market” model collectors? It really should come with a tiny Marco and car. That would be cool. But no details on pricing or release date. Based on that paint job… it looks like it could be a “paint it yourself” model. Hopefully we will know more sooner than later.


Also, since Dit didn’t mention it earlier… if you look into the background you can see that there are actually 2 EMs that are on display! And they look huge! I look forward to seeing more about those too! Since I have to buy all of these….


Updates by Dit (7/29):


Accessories she comes with:

– Cho-shinjiryakketsu

– Bandana

– 1080

I lack both money and space for more figures, but I don’t care. I swear all three Asakuras will be mine! *starts saving money like crazy*

Ok, so Hao’s pictures from today are not that good. Also it looks like the official release is Anna, so then what about that awesome Michael garage kit Andy posted??? Could it be fan-made just like the Crane one in the previous WonFes? I’ll try to find out more about it!!